前提:1.ubuntu系统安装了firefox + mplayer
2.firefox安装了open with插件
#!/bin/bash #thanks http://www.flvcd.com # fmt could be: 'normal', 'high', 'super' or 'real'(without the quotation mark), generally denoting 260p, 360p, 480p and the original image respectively, yet depending on the video source defaults though. Leaving it blank leads to the default video quality provided. #wurl=$(urlencode "$1") wurl=$1 fmt=$2 UA="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)" parser="http://www.flvcd.com/parse.php?flag=&format=$fmt&kw=$wurl&sbt=%BF%AA%CA%BCGO%21" get_m3u() { line=`cat /tmp/dump |wc -l` m3u_start=`grep "m3u" /tmp/dump -n` start_line=${m3u_start%%:*} m3u_end=`grep "M3U" /tmp/dump -n` end_line=${m3u_end%%:*} cut_line=$(($line-$end_line+2)) tac /tmp/dump |sed -e "1,$cut_line d" |tac >/tmp/url sed -i "1,$start_line d" /tmp/url sed -i '/1/s/<input type="hidden" name="inf" value="//g' /tmp/url } get_url() { grep "<U>" /tmp/dump > /tmp/url sed -i 's/<U>//g' /tmp/url } get_title() { grep "<N>" /tmp/dump >/tmp/title sed -i 's/<N>//g' /tmp/title file="`sed -n '1p' /tmp/title`" } get_playlist() { for ((i=1; i<=$u_length; ++i)) do ttl=`sed -n "$i p" /tmp/title` sed -i "$((2*i-1)) i #EXTINF:PART $i in $u_length, $ttl" /tmp/url done mv /tmp/url /tmp/play.m3u sed -i "1i#EXTM3U" /tmp/play.m3u } play() { if [ -s /tmp/play.m3u ]; then mv /tmp/play.m3u /tmp/playlist.title notify-send "playing $file" mplayer -playlist /tmp/playlist.title -title $file elif [ -s /tmp/url ]; then mv /tmp/url /tmp/playlist mplayer -playlist /tmp/playlist fi } if ! wget $parser -q -U "$UA" -O /tmp/dump; then notify-send "cannot get parser, exit" exit 0 fi iconv -f gbk -t utf-8 /tmp/dump -o /tmp/dump if [ "`grep m3u /tmp/dump`" != "" ] ; then get_m3u else get_url fi get_title u_length=`cat /tmp/url |wc -l` t_length=`cat /tmp/title |wc -l` if [ $u_length -eq 0 ]; then notify-send "stream url is null, exit" exit 0 fi if [ $u_length -eq $t_length ]; then get_playlist else notify-send "u_length and t_length not match, generated with no titles. " fi rm /tmp/title /tmp/dump if ! play ; then echo "can not play, check the url's in /tmp/playlist or /tmp/playlist.title" fi
然后打开firefox浏览器open with界面
然后如下图就可以直接播放flv视频了 ,支持一切flvcd网站解析的视频网站
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